Monday 3 November 2014

Meril Splash Beauty Soap

SQUARE Toiletries Ltd. started its journey in 1988 with a single product as a separate division of SQUARE Pharmaceuticals. In 1994, SQUARE Toiletries Ltd. becomes a Private Limited Company. At present, SQUARE Toiletries Ltd. is the country's leading manufacturer of international quality cosmetics and toiletries with over 50 products. Meril Splash Beauty Soap is one of the beauty products of SQUARE Toiletries Ltd. SQUARE Toiletries Ltd has different types of soap in the name of Meril. In the different types of name of Meril soap, Meril Splash is one of them which is especial for freshness.

Target Market Based on Segmentations:

Geographic Segmentation:
Target Area
Rural, Urban, Sub-urban
Hot, Cold.

Demographic Segmentations:
16 – 35
Life Cycle
Married, Unmarried
Middle Income Group
Student, Housewife, Job holders
Not Necessary

Psychographic Segmentations:
Meril has almost targeted all the classes because of its affordable price. Meril splash beauty soap hs many differnt types of flavored soap which actually attracts the people.

IMC Tools of Meril Splash Beauty Soap:

(i) Newspaper Ads. : Keya tries promoting their products through newspaper advertisement.

(ii) Billboard Ads: They also try to promote their products through billboard ads on the road side.

(iii) Electronic Media Ads: Meril splash beauty soap uses TV advertisement in different channels such as- NTV, RTV, BTV, BANGLA VISION, MaasRanga TV etc.

(iv) Radio Ads: the company also host programs on different radio channels and promote their product.

2.Direct Marketing: Meril splash beauty soap does direct marketing too.

3.Interactive/Internet Marketing: Meril Splasg Beauty soap uses the internet to promote its products. The company has its own website, which is quite simple to navigate through. In the modern era of communication and networking, the company uses various social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube to connect with the consumers.


4.Sales Promotions: To cherish the Freshness of Bangladeshi girl, Meril Splash and Person has come together with an Event “Inspiring Freshness”.

5.Publicity/Public relations: It refers to non-personal communications regarding an organizations, product, service or idea not directly paid or run under identified sponsorship. Today, the company can still use the word of mouth advantage. Meril sponsors events in Music, TV show etc.

6.Personal Selling: Meril has many salespeople who are individuals representing the company to communicate, sell, service and build relationship with customers. These salespeople promote their product to different customers within their regions, and once they sustain a customer, they sell their products to them and service them many times per week.

My Opinion: The purpose of writing this article is to show how Meril Splash Soap uses its IMC tools to promote its products, services in ll over Bangladesh. Here I have mainly pointed out the market segmentations and IMC tools of Meril Splash Soap. The datas, images, videos were collected from internet (Website & FB page of Meril Splash, YouTube, Google etc.). There readers may find lack of some information, but still I hope you all will get a good idea/knowledge about the company’s market segmentations and IMC tools.
For more information please visit:


Introduction: Pepsi is a soft drink produced and manufactured by PepsiCo. It is sold in many places such as retail stores, restaurants, schools, cinemas and from vending machines. The drink was first made in the 1890s by pharmacist Caleb Bradham in New Bern, North Carolina. The brand was trademarked on June 16, 1903.  PepsiCo brands are available in nearly 200 countries and territories.

Geographic Segmentation:
         Urban and Rural
         Hot and Dry
Target Area
         Domestic users, restaurant users, bars, schools & 
         college canteens.

Demographic Segmentation:
14 to 40
Male, Female and Others.
Family Size
No bar
Life Cycle
Married and Unmarried

Psychographic Segmentation:

Social Class
               Middle Class and Upper Class

Pepsi attempts to capture the youth of today by focusing on their personality, lifestyle and attitude of youth through advertisements.

IMC Tools of PEPSI:

1. Advertising: The mediums of advertising used by Pepsi are…..

A) Print Media: They print media for advertisement. Although very rare, they have separate department for print media.

B) Point of Sale Materials: Point of sale materials this includes, posters and stickers display in the stores and in different areas. It also includes Vizi cooler, Freezers, Display racks.

C) T.V Commercials: As everybody knows TV is a most common entertaining medium, so TV commercials are one of the attractive way of doing advertisement. PepsiCo does regular TV commercials on different channels.

D) Outdoor Advertising: Pepsi is very much conscious about their billboards and hoardings. They have so many sites in different locations for their billboards. Billboards are usually found at cross roads, buildings, shops.

2.Direct Marketing: PEPSI uses direct marketing in many ways. First the company partners with various restaurants, movie theaters, etc. to carry its products.

3.Interactive/Internet Marketing: PEPSI uses the internet to promote its products. The company has its own website, which is quite simple to navigate through. In the modern era of communication and networking, the company uses various social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube to connect with the consumers.

4.Sales Promotions: A sales promotion is an activity that is implemented to boost the sales of a product or service temporarily. Pepsi does sale promotion in two ways to quickly increase sales.
A. Consumer Oriented Sales Promotion:

* Getting shelves
* Eye catching positions
* Under the crown scheme

B. Trade Oriented Sales Promotions:
* Discounts to retailers and stores
* Return back allowances
* Merchandising assets
* Free goods or free tours. 

5.Publicity/Public relations: It refers to non-personal communications regarding an organizations, product, service or idea not directly paid or run under identified sponsorship. Today, the company can still use the word of mouth advantage. For instance, when PEPSI produces a new product and someone on his/her lunch break purchases that new product and enjoys it, he/she will tell others how great the new product is. This will cause others to purchase the product and in turn increase the sales.Pepsi sponsors events in cricket, football, music etc. 

6.Personal Selling: PEPSI has many salespeople who are individuals representing the company to communicate, sell, service and build relationship with customers. These salespeople promote their product to different customers within their regions, and once they sustain a customer, they sell their products to them and service them many times per week.

My Opinion: The purpose of writing this article is to show how a global company uses its IMC tools to promote its products, services all over the world. Here I have mainly pointed out the market segmentations and IMC tools of PEPSI. The datas, images, videos were collected from internet (Website & FB page of Pepsi, YouTube, Google etc.). There may have been lack of some information, but still I hope the readers will get a good idea about the company’s market segmentations and IMC tools. For more info. you may visit the following websites: 
Pepsi Cola : The Official Website